Her Next Step

Anne Doherty & Lily Murphy Her Next Step Episode 9

Lily Murphy Season 1 Episode 9

Hello and welcome to Her Next Step, the podcast where women in the public service talk about how their passion and their intuition led them to interesting and exciting career paths. We'll hear about the fears and challenges that could have held them back, and about the internal and external supports that enabled them to take their next step.

I'm Lily Murphy, and I'm speaking to women whose stories will, I believe, inspire you to wonder what stepping stones would help you to take your next step. In this episode of Her Next Step, Anne Doherty, CEO of Cork City Council, tackles the difference between management and leadership. 
She talks about how you're already as good as your team and how you earn support through respect, honesty and communication. Let me know if you're enjoying the show. What's fascinating for me about Anne and her career is that Anne started life as a nurse. And, you know, a previous interviewee on Her Next Step, Edel McSharry, said once that when nurses are trained, they have absolutely no idea of what they're capable of, but actually they're capable of running the world. And here we have somebody who I believe is a clear demonstration of that fact. You're most welcome, Anne, and we're delighted to have you here at Her Next Step. Great. Thank you. And thank you so much for having me. I would really love to know, to start, what's the achievement you're most proud of in your career? In my career, gosh. I suppose I've been really lucky that I've had the opportunity to do absolutely amazing things. So it's hard to kind of pick one over another. I suppose training as a nurse is something that I'm really, really proud of.