Her Next Step

Rosaleen Wallace & Lily Murphy Her Next Step Episode 7

Lily Murphy Season 1 Episode 7

 Hello and welcome to Her Next Step, the podcast where women in the public service talk about how their passion and their intuition led them to interesting and exciting career paths. We'll hear about the fears and challenges that could have held them back and about the internal and external supports that enabled them to take their next step. I'm Lily Murphy and I'm speaking to women whose stories will, I believe, inspire you to wonder what stepping stones would help you to take your next step. Rosaleen Wallace, I'm just delighted that you're here with us today on Her Next Step podcast with Susie McCally in her studio on Wine Street in Sligo. Rosaleen I've wanted to talk to you about your career for quite a while because when I first met you, you were the station manager in Westport, Irish Rail station manager and I suppose it's a shame on me but I was a bit surprised that there was a woman in such a role. I would have always considered it very much a male role. So I'm just fascinated by how you ended up in that career number one and I know that you're now in corporate communications office of Air and Road Air and so we're going to talk a little bit about the highs and lows of your career and some of the supports that you've used to get you through any of the challenges that you faced and some of the amazing upsides of being on the journey that you've been on. So thank you very much for joining us here today.