Her Next Step

Sinead Fallon & Lily Murphy Her Next Step Episode 6

Lily Murphy Season 1 Episode 6
 Hello and welcome to Her Next Step, the podcast where women in the public service talk about how their passion and their intuition led them to interesting and exciting career paths. We'll hear about the fears and challenges that could have held them back and about the internal and external supports that enabled them to take their next step. I'm Lily Murphy and I'm speaking to women whose stories will, I believe, inspire you to wonder what stepping stones would help you to take your next step. Well Sinead Fallon, I'm absolutely delighted to have this opportunity to sit here with you in Susie McCanley's studio in Sligo and to talk about your career, some of the ups and downs and just have an opportunity to think about what are to hear, the journey you've been on and some of the challenges you've faced and indeed some of the ways that you've learned to cope with that. What I really want to say for our listeners is the reason I am so looking forward to this conversation is that I don't believe I've ever met anybody as passionate about bringing about change in the health services and particularly in relation to mental health services as you. What's impressed me so much is that it was never just about the passion. When I first met you you were all about trying to develop the skills and harness your own innate talents and of which there were many to ensure that you were always going to be effective in the role of bringing about change. So for that reason I'm really looking forward to this chat today and thank you for joining us here at our next step. Thank you very much. So I'm going to start where I always start with the question if somebody said to your peer group in National School and to your family somebody here will be on the team, she will be the lead for service improvement in the HSE nationally with a focus on community services. Would they have all looked around the room and said oh that'll be Shannaid.