Her Next Step

Dr. Edel McSharry & Lily Murphy Her Next Step Episode 1

Lily Murphy Season 1 Episode 1
 Hello and welcome to Her Next Step, the podcast where women in the public service talk about how their passion and their intuition led them to interesting and exciting career paths. We'll hear about the fears and challenges that could have held them back and about the internal and external supports that enabled them to take their next step. I'm Lily Murphy and I'm speaking to women whose stories will, I believe, inspire you to wonder what stepping stones would help you to take your next step. My guest on the show is Dr. Edel McSharry. Idel has many passions, amongst them the desire to continually improve nurse education and to impact the future of health service delivery. Edel's career path has taken her from general to critical care nurse to nurse tutor lecturer, program director on the undergraduate and postgraduate health care programs, most recently head of school in nursing health science and disability studies with a recent period of acting president of St. Angeles College. Pursuing the move from practitioner to lecturer to senior management has challenged Idel personally and professionally and today we'll explore how she overcame those challenges and what enabled her to continually look for and take her next step.

 So Dr. Edel McSharry, you're welcome to her next step podcast. I'd love to start by asking you a question. If I stood in front of your peer group in your national school and then in your secondary school and also in front of your family when you were younger and said somebody you know is going to become a doctor of education will lead up the School of Nursing and Health Sciences and Disability in St. Angeles College and will become the acting president of St. Angeles College would they have automatically looked in your direction?